NEW Ask a Man Poll: Why do men send unsolicited dick pics?

NEW Ask a Man Poll: Why do men send unsolicited dick pics?

Hey cats, so awhile back I had the idea of encouraging community involvement in the #freethenipple movement amongst my predominantly-male-identifying audience by rolling out the idea of a new video series called “Ask a Man.” You can read more on the “Ask a Man” page, but the basic premise is that every month or so, I’ll put out a specific question to the male members of the Topless Topics audience, then compile all the answers I get into a video sharing, reading, and responding those responses so that we can all learn a little more about each other, and my dudes don’t need to feel totally excluded from the conversation about sharing their rights with everyone else!

Of course, video answers are the most preferred, but I understand that not everyone has the safety, freedom, and/or technical know-how to record themselves in relation to something like Topless Topics. So you can submit your answers in a variety of other formats–guides to those methods can be found on the Collaboration page, and/or you can email me if you still need help figuring out how to submit (it takes me forever to get through my inbox though, so don’t expect a snappy response!)

I haven’t actually made an official “Ask a Man” video yet, so I’m not sure how complicated this will turn out to be, or how long it will take to compile enough answers to make it into a watchable video. But let’s give it a shot, shall we?

Please use this form to submit your answer, and sometime in the next month or so I’ll compile all those answers into our first official “Ask a Man” video series episode! Thanks in advance for your participation! <3

Ask a Man Submission Form
Use this form to submit an answer to the next upcoming Ask a Man video series episode!
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
You can use a nickname or whatever you like! Nothing lewd, please.
Is the answer you're submitting a video file, audio file, picture, or written submission?
For descriptions/guides on some of the methods you can submit your answer, please check out
Again, please review for more information on how you can submit your answer, if it’s a separate file!
No more than a few paragraphs, please. Anything too long will be edited down, or possibly discarded. To be incorporated in the video, I will create graphic(s) containing your written answer that I will then read aloud into the video!
If you'd like to be notified if/when your answer is included in the next "Ask a Man" video, please include your email here!
I promise I won’t spam you! This is the best way to be notified of any new videos or other site news, and I don’t send one out more than once a week, if that!

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