Category: Community
Topless topics cancer shed update
A quick and dirty update video shot on my video for those of you who refuse to follow me on social media (Twitter, Instagram, mewe…. It’s always just @toplesstopics) The long and short of it is my shed finally arrived, but it doesn’t fit in my backyard, doesn’t get any wifi signal, my husband is…
Spring Nymph Photoshoot “Reclined Set” Now Available!
Just a heads up that I’ve made another four-pack of photos from my “Spring Nymph” photoshoot available on Etsy: Every picture sale helps me pay for things like video hosting subscriptions and buying better recording equipment, and of course my most pressing financial cost, paying for the recording studio shed I’m building in my…
“Spring Nymph” Nude Beach/Forest Photos now available on Etsy!
Spring Nymph – Fern Set – Digital Photos now available: A week after the photoshoot, I’ve finally had a chance to start putting some of the photos I took with Dauntless Photography at the Rooster Rock Clothing-Optional Beach/Forest on the Topless Topics Etsy Store to help me fund new projects, like the Recording Studio/Shed I…
Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro
Here’s a little preview of the props I made/brought for my “Spring / Easter Nymph Forest / Beach Photoshoot” at Rooster Rock Nude Beach! I got fairly banged up dealing with thorns and brambles, but otherwise it was fun and I got some really good shots out of it. I’ll start making them available soon…