Category: Community

  • Get paid $10 for Supporting Topless Equality!

    Get paid $10 for Supporting Topless Equality!

    Welcome to my latest effort to encourage supporters of Topless Equality (as well as Normalizing Full-Body Nudity) to raise awareness of this sexist, transphobic, puritanical, patriarchal, yet unquestioned aspect of oppression enough to actually effect some changes! This time, I’m trying literal bribery to get people motivated! (Hey, whatever works) The process is simple: Record…

  • New video: Can Free the Nipple be Federated?

    New video: Can Free the Nipple be Federated?

    New video now available! Here’s a new, mostly unplanned vlog about my trepidatious attempts to try uploading to this new peertube instance TROM, whose owner seems pretty cool and shares my frustration at how Western culture idolizes violence while hating and fearing nudity, which somehow includes female nipples but not male nipples. (It helps that…

  • Tentative new home for uncensored Topless Topics videos: LBRY!

    Tentative new home for uncensored Topless Topics videos: LBRY!

    Click here to be directed to my Topless Topics LBRY account, where I’ll slowly be re-uploading some of my older uncensored topless equality videos as I test this platform out: Or, keep scrolling to find out more about what LBRY is and how to use it! List of videos re-uploaded to LBRY so far:…

  • Sign the petition to end sexist, transphobic bans by youtube, facebook, instagram, etc

    Sign the petition to end sexist, transphobic bans by youtube, facebook, instagram, etc

    PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION: So it finally happened–not content to merely display their blatant misogyny and transphobia by banning my ALREADY CENSORED heinous female nipples one video at a time, Youtube decided to ban my entire Topless Topics Channel (which was located at before they banned it) for “severe or repeated violations of…

  • Topless Topics Guest Hosts: Normalizing Nudity Youtube

    Topless Topics Guest Hosts: Normalizing Nudity Youtube

    This page is just a placeholder while I finish editing the full video, which will be uploaded to my vimeo as well as to the Normalizing Nudity youtube channel sometime in the near future! (As always, donors will get two weeks early access before the video goes free for everyone else–find different methods of becoming…

  • New photos available: RoosterRock2018 Photoset D6

    New 4-pack photos available on this page! Purchase for only $3 and get high quality digital download prints you can keep forever! Purchase here: Other Photosets Available, also at