Category: Featured
Custom-Made Topless Topics Vinyl T-Shirts~!
While my quest to find an affordable, trustworthy small-run T-shirt printer continues, I’ve started experimenting with my friend’s cricut machine and vinyl press to custom-make our own Topless Topics merchandise, one product at a time. The great thing about making each shirt custom is that I can provide a lot of options for shirt type,…
Separation Anxiety: Topless Topics Mental Health
Separation Anxiety: Topless Topics Mental Health An oooold video from shortly after I first started Topless Topics discussing the crippling separation anxiety I dealt with when I first started dating my now-husband, the original title and description for which I sadly lost when Youtube banned the video. I’m happy to say I’m way more chill…
Topless Topics AMA: Describing My First Threesome / Polyamory Experience
Old video now reuploading that was an Ask-Me-Anything tip request back when I did those (might do them in the future, after I catch up on editing my backlog of already-recorded interviews). If I do, I’ll be sure to announce it- has all my as-yet-unbanned contact accounts for you to follow to make sure you don’t…
Topless Topics: Daddy Gets His Balls Snipped! (Vasectomy Vlog)
Super-Censored Patriarchy-Approved Version Uncensored Patriarchy-Unapproved Version An old video from 2018 (right after our second child was born in June), especially relevant today while the far-right Supreme Court abolishes Roe vs Wade, once again forcing women not of means to risk permanent damage if not death getting back-alley abortions while rich white women continue to…