Category: Art

  • Topless Topics Children’s Book Reviews: a terrible public domain ripoff & helping to understand kids with autism

    Topless Topics Children’s Book Reviews: a terrible public domain ripoff & helping to understand kids with autism

    (This video is also being added to which will eventually host all my book review videos, including the intro to the children’s book review concept, which you can watch now!) I’m not including the actual book names in the title or description to hopefully minimize the chances the publishers will google my videos and order…

  • Topless Topics: Video Games as Art

    Topless Topics: Video Games as Art

    Just a casual vlog about video games as art, not just mindless button smashers. What do you think? Are there any games you can think of as transformative experiences that lasted with you long past the credits?

  • Spring Nymph Photo-Editing Timelapse

    Spring Nymph Photo-Editing Timelapse

    Buy these and other tasteful nude photography images here: Or sign up to be a Patreon donor for access to even more images here: Until I can afford Vimeo Premium for truly female nipple- and nudism-friendly livestreaming, the best I can offer are these 2000%-speed timelapse videos recorded to show me working on various behind-the-scenes…

  • Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro

    Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro

    Here’s a little preview of the props I made/brought for my “Spring / Easter Nymph Forest / Beach Photoshoot” at Rooster Rock Nude Beach! I got fairly banged up dealing with thorns and brambles, but otherwise it was fun and I got some really good shots out of it. I’ll start making them available soon…

  • Topless Topics Presents: Topless Children’s / Kids Book Reviews?!

    Topless Topics Presents: Topless Children’s / Kids Book Reviews?!

    OMG I forgot to post a link to this video when I uploaded it to Vimeo on 2/21/2019! Crud! Well here’s the description: Finally starting on a project idea I had ages ago. Yes they’re really topless. No they’re not porn. BOOBS ARE LITERALLY INTENDED FOR CHILDREN TO SUCK ON FOR NOURISHMENT. How do you…

  • Topless Topics Update 2/2019: Naked-Friendly Social Media, Store Ideas, Topfree Livestreaming

    Topless Topics Update 2/2019: Naked-Friendly Social Media, Store Ideas, Topfree Livestreaming

    Hello everyone, time for a new update! I tried to keep it short but as always, I failed XD Here are a bunch of relevant links from this video: My 2019 New Years Resolutions video: The “Naturist Living Show” Podcast episode I was interviewed on: Join the Topless Topics group on MeWe:…