Category: Health & Wellness
Topless Topics Interviews Chrissy Stroop re: being a baby transwoman, exvangelical ex-christian, Russia & more!
Here you can find two batches of interviews with my transwoman friend Chrissy Stroop, also known as @c_stroop on Twitter and whose articles and other pieces of writing you can find links to on her website, Now that she lives in my area, I’m eager to feature more videos and interviews with her, so…
Topless Topics Rants: Banned for Child Porn After Cutting a Bullet Out of My Head
hokay, i was all set up to do an interview with one of my followers about his male perspective on the toxic masculinity both of us have witnesses so many times, only to find he had dmed me that he had to postpone it…but the DM had come during a day-long ban from Twitter after…
“5 Tips for Mental Wellness During the Coronavirus Pandemic”
(Please also support Topless Topics by liking, sharing and subscribing the censored version of this video on the “Topless Topics Show” Youtube channel so we can reach more new viewers!) An impromptu vlog-style video I shot while folding laundry. Minus about ten minutes of Link interrupting my video… Follow Topless Topics on social media…