Category: Repost

  • NEW Youtube channel- TTButZoomed!

    NEW Youtube channel- TTButZoomed!

    As part of my quest to prove how insanely sexist the censorship policies of Youtube, Facebook, Twitch, etc-forever are, I made a new Youtube account called “TopTopicsButZoomed” and all the uploads are re-ups of my oldest videos, but this time with the videos ridiculously zoomed in so that only my face and maybe the barest…

  • REPOST: #byefelipe: the #freethenipple edition

    REPOST: #byefelipe: the #freethenipple edition

  • Topless Topics Retro: Uploading a bunch of videos from Youtube channels past!

    Topless Topics Retro: Uploading a bunch of videos from Youtube channels past!

    Hey everyone, lately I’ve been thinning out files on my numerous external harddrives, and I’ve decided to reupload some of the old videos from the various youtube channels I’ve had over the past decade+, everything from song covers to gaming let’s plays to political parodies and more. I don’t know yet which ones I’ll be…

  • REPOST: Pregnant & Pro-Choice

    REPOST: Pregnant & Pro-Choice

    Oh my gosh, another old video I forgot to make a website post for that was banned by Youtube for being “sexually explicit!” Guess I should have just insulted some lispy queers instead?  Originally uploaded to Vimeo on 12/20/2015 Original video description: So among other things, we got a new computer with Windows 10 on…

  • REPOST: Topless Topics movie reviews: Soylent Green

    REPOST: Topless Topics movie reviews: Soylent Green

    Whoops, found another old video that I never made an official post for on this website! This video is especially noteworthy in that it’s one of the videos flat-out banned from my ToplessTopicsTV Youtube as “explicitly sexual!” Oh man, those female nipples, so heinous and sexual by their simple existence! Hide your non-breastfeeding children, hide…

  • REPOST: Topless Topics: Let’s Interview Venice Beach about Naked Equality

    REPOST: Topless Topics: Let’s Interview Venice Beach about Naked Equality

    Originally uploaded to vimeo on 4/15/2016 Original video description: Music: “Hep Cats” by Some relevant links: has lots of good info, including a map showing in what states it’s *technically* legal to go topless as a female. Good luck getting away with it, though. Phew, finally got (part of) the footage from Venice Beach…