Category: Social Justice
Goodbye Youtube – Topless Topics’ Last Youtube Video!
Patriarchy-safe Youtube Version: Patriarchy-Unfriendly Peertube Version: Yes that’s right, after nearly ten full years of constant, arbitrary censorship on Youtube–where I get banned to a degree no one else faces, even having fully clothed videos where I’m merely sitting on my couch talking to the camera about current events banned as “sexually explicit nudity” thanks…
“Am I the asshole for saying female nipples are sexual organs?” | Topless Topics Reacts
Video will go live on Friday 7/26 at 11am PST! Uncensored version is TROM/Peertube: Censored version is on Youtube: Links used in this video: Help me produce bigger and better videos! Become a Patreon donor today! AITA for pointing out that breasts are sexual organs to somebody who says it isn’t fair that men can…
Youtube Short: if #adidas is allowed to post female nipples to #instagram, then so are we, right? #freethenipple
(I was referring to this video in a new “AITA for saying female breasts are sexual organs” reaction video and realized I didn’t have a website page for easy linking, so I’m making this page to embed this Youtube short video now!)
Topless Topics Reacts: Do Trans Men Have Male Privilege?
Patriarchy-friendly version on Youtube: Patriarchy-unfriendly version on TROM/PeerTube: Stumbled onto this wonderful video by “Swolesome” that I felt compelled to react to, especially when he specifically mentioned the newfound ability to go topless in public without anyone caring: Swolesome’s whole channel at . As of me writing this he only has 19k subscribers,…
Topless Topics Interviews TammyJo Eckhart: Ancient Historian, Award-Winning Kink Educator, and Multi-Genre Fiction Author
Here’s my interview with TammyJo Eckhart, acclaimed kink educator and multi-genre (including “edgy” fiction that includes some erotica) book author, as well as ancient historian and academic professor! The interview ended up being almost two hours long (we had too much fun talking XD ) so I broke it into two parts. The first part…
Discussion about nonsexual nudity vs nudism with BunnyLuna: Agender, Ecosexual Witch | Topless Topics Interviews
I FINALLY got this video edited and put online! (Well, the uncensored version at least…the censored version for Youtube will take like another twenty hours, and probably get banned anyway sigh) Originally filmed almost a year ago (oops) but regarding topics that remain timely and relevant (and most likely will be for the next decade,…