Category: Social Justice
Well I Was Considering Leaving Hiatus But Then Youtube Deleted My Entire Account So Nevermind The Hiatus Is Now Permanent! 😀
Hey everyone! I was just about to decide to come off hiatus despite having all my accounts temporarily banned a month ago, and was discussing whether or not to leave the hiatus on an UNLISTED stream on and ALTERNATE account with the url provided ONLY to $20+ patrons. But then right at the end of…
Fan Response Video: Keep your head up, Miss Topics
I may currently be on video-making hiatus after dealing with several social media blows at once (more about that on this post: but supersupporter Brian has come through with another stellar response video to let me know he still supports the project and is eager to be an active participant in the topfree equality…
A sad announcement: At least for now, I’m Quitting Topless Topics/Putting it on Hiatus
Announcement: I’m Quitting/Putting Topless Topics on Hiatus until I stop feeling so fucking defeated on every fucking front. Hi, this is Cleo logging in just to let everyone know that in the wake of me posting to Facebook etc. to complain about Youtube banning another of my videos, now Facebook itself has seen fit to…
Oops, Another Banned Video!
Well, looks like some forced-birthers and anti-women’s rights types weren’t too happy with this video I had up for OVER TWO YEARS, as the good algorithms at Youtube have just removed yet another of my videos and hit me with a “community guidelines strike,” which in case you’re unaware, three strikes means my whole account…
Portland Women’s March Weekend 1/20/2018: P1 “Impeach Trump” March and #MeToo March
At long last, here’s the footage I shot at the Jan 20 marches I attended, some with commentary some without. I was filming the whole day on my phone and my DSLR, both of which ran out of battery and space really fast so sorry for the abrupt jump cuts. I really couldn’t find much info…
Topless Topics: (Lack of) Portland Women’s March 2018 Response
Greetings everybody! I was hoping to have the actual footage from last weekend where I went to a few of the the disparate marches that Portland had instead of a unified women’s march, but just editing -this- video took all day and I have some freelance work I need to finish before I can keep…