Category: Social Justice
Topless Topics Hatemail Response: Rape Culture and You
Hello friends, welcome to 2018! I was hoping to start the year off on a more positive note, but then I got this lovely textbook example of toxic masculinity and rape culture in my inbox and, well, I thought it was worth talking about. I promise I will put greater effort into future videos to…
YOUTUBE REPOST: Topless Topics Sexploitation (blooper reel)
!!PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics videos for those of you who maybe haven’t seen them yet, I’m going to be reuploading all my old videos not yet added to Vimeo…
YOUTUBE REPOST: Topless Topics Breasts, Butts and Sexploitation-using nudity for views (part 2)
!!PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics videos for those of you who maybe haven’t seen them yet, I’m going to be reuploading all my old videos not yet added to Vimeo…
YOUTUBE REPOST: Topless Topics Breasts, Butts and Sexploitation-using nudity for views (part 1)
!!PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics videos for those of you who maybe haven’t seen them yet, I’m going to be reuploading all my old videos not yet added to Vimeo…
YOUTUBE REPOST: (Sexuality Sundays) Topless Topics Sex and Consent
(I’m including this as a “Sexuality Sunday” video even though it was filmed long before I started the segment, because I think it’s definitely appropriate!) !!PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics…
YOUTUBE REPOST: Welcome to Topless Topics Equal Opportunity Nakedness
!!PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics videos for those of you who maybe haven’t seen them yet, I’m going to be reuploading all my old videos not yet added to Vimeo…