Topless Topics Interviews Chrissy Stroop re: being a baby transwoman, exvangelical ex-christian, Russia & more!

Topless Topics Interviews Chrissy Stroop re: being a baby transwoman, exvangelical ex-christian, Russia & more!

Who is Chrissy Stroop? How did #EmptyThePews start? What is an #Exvangelical?

Here’s the first video of the batch that I recorded with Chrissy Stroop aka @C_Stroop a couple weeks ago, reconnecting with her since she’s moved to Portland and started the transition into womanhood!

Topless Topics Interviews Chrissy Stroop: Cultural Impact of Coming Out Trans

Topless Topics Interviews Chrissy Stroop: Censorship of Topless Transwomen

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@c_stroop on Twitter

@chrissystroop on Instagram

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