How to Collaborate

Are you interested in collaborating with Topless Topics, whether that means interviewing Cleo or having her interview you, comedy skit cameos, collaborative art projects, or more?

I’m always eager to collaborate with my fellow creatives, and while most of my content under the Topless Topics umbrella are topic-based videos and interviews, there are many other types of content I’d love to participate in! If you’d like to see collaborative projects I’ve taken place in already, you can see my Interviews over here:

Some other types of collaborations I’m interested in:
  • Comedy Skit and/or short form acting
  • Collaborative Art Projects
  • Voice Acting
  • Co-livestreaming (especially video games)
  • Attending live events together (like Vidcon!)

Collaboration Submission Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Real name, nickname, whatever you’re comfortable with!
I need your email so we can work out the details on how we can collaborate! Please 😀
Are you physically located in Portland, OR?
I need to know this info so I know if we’re talking an in-person collaboration or online only!
Please select all choices you have at least some experience with
You don’t NEED experience with any of this, but it would sure help expand our options for collaboration!
Including any of the above that you don’t have experience with, but you want to learn more about!
What aspects of content creation are you interested in? (check all that apply)
Why are you interested in collaborating with Topless Topics? (Please check all that apply)
What states of dress/undress are you willing to appear in within a collaborative video?
Maybe share some of your aspirations? What kind of collaborative ideas do you have? (Doesn’t have to be videos!)
Do you have access to any equipment/props/etc that we can use while collaborating?
Again, not required, but would sure be helpful!
4 * 9 =
Choose the correct answer.

Dream list of people I’d like to interview

By Profession:

  • Psychologist/sociologist, especially regarding subjects like:
    • tribalism/group think, how people are radicalized into holding extreme political positions
    • Sex and relationship therapists
    • Queer or other minority-specializing therapists
  • Activist
    • Feminism
    • Queer
    • Racial Inequality
    • Physical Disability
    • Mental Health
    • Houselessness
    • Environmental/Climate Change
  • Anyone else who might have something interesting to say!

Specific People:

Go here to see all interviews I’ve already conducted with other people: