Fan Response Video: How I became an advocate for nipple equality.

Fan Response Video: How I became an advocate for nipple equality.

Superstar Topless Topics supporter Brian has come through again with this much-appreciated video of support and community involvement, granted to us during a difficult time where it seems like we’re doing so much fighting for topless equality, but all we get is banned and mocked. (More on that at this post, if you haven’t heard yet why I (Cleo) am indefinitely quitting making new videos for Topless Topics).

Thank you so much for sharing your passion and what brought you to the topless equality fight, Brian. And to everyone else who sees this, please take this as a sign of encouragement that you can and should film (or write, or post, or photograph, or paint, etc…!) your own Topless Equality content that I would be honored to repost (if you want me to!) even while I, personally, am no longer making new content! This is a community effort after all, it’s going to take ALL of us fighting against the blatant misogyny of topless laws in public and online if we want to see things change!!


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