Feel free to download and use these yourself on social media or wherever! Just right click> save as, then upload to the platform of your choice! (If you’re on mobile, it depends on your OS, but I think you can long press>download to get it)

(NEW- find my created animated GIFs that don’t include female nipples here: https://www.toplesstopics.org/gifswithoutnips/ )
One of these days I’m going to start recording videos where I directly imitate some of my/your favorite animated GIFs from Twitter, Tumblr, etc., only I’ll do them in the usual Topless Topics style, which is to say without a shirt on (but still, as always, nothing actually sexual/pornographic). Then you can download the GIFs and upload them yourself to help break the stigma against nonsexual topless women one funny reaction gif at a time! (But be warned if you use any of the uncensored gifs on facebook, youtube, etc., you WILL be banned by Social Media Big Brother)
To use these GIFs on your own, right click-Save As on the image of your choice, then re-upload to your social media page using their specific upload method
Here are links to some guides on how to do this by platform:
Twitter- https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/tweeting-gifs-and-pictures
Facebook – https://support.giphy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020072732-How-to-Share-a-GIF-on-Facebook-
Instagram – https://mashable.com/2017/07/29/how-to-share-gif-to-instagram/
Tumblr – https://www.wikihow.com/Post-a-Gif-on-Tumblr
(Etc…just do a web search for “how to post an animated GIF to [name of platform])
Click the thumbnail to watch the animated version of the GIF
(from this video)