New “Sauvies Nude Beach” Photoshoot Options Added to the Store!

New “Sauvies Nude Beach” Photoshoot Options Added to the Store!

It feels strange to be adding stuff to the store right after I decided to take a good long break from Topless Topics (due to social media constantly banning and deleting my content, like Youtube spontaneously DELETING MY ENTIRE LIVESTREAMING ACCOUNT MID-LIVESTREAM…read more on that in this post: )

But even if I’m not producing new content, I still have to pay for the hosting and upkeep of the content I have up already, which is why the store is staying open for now.

I didn’t publish these pictures earlier because TBH they’re pretty similar to existing photos in the store, because the photographer I hired took a loooong time between shots and a lot of what he sent me is unusable (too washed out, overexposed, etc). But like I said, I still need to pay for hosting, so let’s see if any of these sell any better so I can keep those hungry server costs sated.

Same as Photoset 1 and Photoset 2, you can purchase each photo individually for $15 each or $50 for a set of five:


Click the image to be taken to the Etsy store page for it where you can help fund Topless Topics by purchasing a high quality 300DPI digital photoprint!



And for your review, here are the photos that were already up for sale on Etsy:


I had hopes of selling enough prints to fund better photoshoots in the future with higher qualified photographers who can more closely match what I’d really like to emulate (fine art nude photography like this!), but right now I’m just trying to break even with what I owe this photographer and the costs of video and web hosting, etc. If only passionate activism paid the bills!

As far as feeling like making future content for Topless Topics, I really go back and forth. I still have plenty of inspiration, but that inspiration is so quickly killed off by realizing how suddenly and soullessly ALL my time, effort and stress can be eradicated by the Big Brother social media websites arbitrarily deciding to delete my account (and before you ask, appeals are useless if you’re not already famous). We’ll see how things go in the future, but right now I’m just trying to concentrate on other parts of my life, like preparing for the new baby (due June 8th!) and working on paid graphic design and illustration freelance work (if you have a job you want to hire me for, email the scope of it to and I can give you a quote!)

In the meantime, I have hundreds of videos up already on Vimeo (and the ones not yet banned on Youtube, which I’m not holding my breath on staying up), I’m sure there’s at least one or two you haven’t seen yet or might consider rewatching if you haven’t seen them in a meantime. 😀 And/or I am ALWAYS THRILLED if anyone wants to produce their own Topfree Equality content, whether that’s a video, blog post, or just a picture you want to share, and I will happily feature it here on this site if you want me to! (Appropriate submissions only. Actual porn/sexual content will get you blocked.) Email a link to your content to and I will feature it as soon as I can! Feel free to use the forum to chat with other topfree equality supporters/nudists/etc if you need help or inspiration to take part!

Sincerely thank you for your support, and I hope to find a solution to social media constantly banning me so I can feel like it’s worth producing new content again soon!

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