New Topless Topics livestreams uploaded!~

New Topless Topics livestreams uploaded!~

I’m slowly but surely trying to catch up with re-editing and re-encoding my livestreams to fit within the 5gb size limit so I can upload them to TROM for viewing after each stream ends. Considering I’m streaming four times a week now (12-2pm pst, Mo/Th at and Tu/Fr at – see for more info) this means I’m constantly struggling to keep up, but maybe in the future I’ll figure out a way to streamline the re-encoding process…and/or finally establish enough money to host my own videos directly and not have a 5gb size limit anymore :p

The best way to see each VOD as it’s uploaded is to go directly to the TROM livestream playlist:

You can also visit the Topless Topics VOD page, but considering the fact that I have to manually update it every time a new video goes up, it is unlikely to be completely up to date:

I also announce every time a new video goes up on social media and in our Discord server, so I invite you to follow me there!

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