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IT’S ALIVE!! The Top(less) Topic newsletter is finally back, better than ever! Check out all our new stuff~

Welcome! Welcome to the new-and-improved Topless Topics Newsletter! If you’re getting this email and you’re not sure why, you were probably previously signed up for the old, discontinued Topless Topics Mailing List.
Now that the kids are older, I have a little more time to work on Topless Topics-related projects, and email is fast becoming a better alternate to the overly glutted, heavily, discriminately-censored social media posts. Even famed webcomic The Oatmeal delivers their updates of new content via email now!
If you’ve decided since that you don’t want to receive these newsletters, then please feel free to click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email! But I hope you’ll stick around for the weekly summary of new videos and other content, reminders of upcoming livestreams (and other scheduled events), and even opportunities to submit questions for the community on the livestream!

Sign the petition-demand that Youtube make the banned video process more fair!
Stripe banned me from having an audio-only podcast because my nipples existed *anywhere on the internet* (details here: I recorded a fully-clothed vlog about this [bullshit], and Youtube themselves hit me with another strike for linking to my own website, which linked to a site that linked to a tweet that auto-generated a thumbnail that included a female nipple. You know. Hardcore Porn.
Following that particularly insane chain of censorship, I put together a petition that demands that Youtube:
- Provide EXACT timecodes for where in our banned videos we allegedly “violated community guidelines,”
- Give creators an opportunity to edit out the offending bits, instead of banning the entire video.
This is a pretty universal concern among all creators on Youtube–at least the ones that rules still apply to–and would be transformational towards making bans at least a little more fair. At the very least, they would require Youtube mods to take a more scrutinizing look at the banned videos we worked so hard on, rather than simply leaving the algorithms to auto-ban based on the false flagging by haters and trolls.
Please sign the petition by going here:
And/or, find out more about the reasons behind this petition here:

That’s right, we’re re-introducing the Community Question project!
You can find more details about this, how to submit, types of submissions accepted, etc, here:
When I previously launched the Community Question project, I asked participants to send their submissions to me directly, for me to compile together into one single video. Unfortunately this proved to be a much more time-consuming and laborious undertaking than I anticipated, and was taking up time that could have been spent producing more Topless Topics content.
This time, I’m asking participants to post their submission to their own social media and/or video hosting accounts, then submitting the link for me to compile into a list to be presented to the community at the end of the month during a livestream! And yes, all submissions for the Community Question will count towards the monthly gift card giveaway!

Oh, you haven’t
heard of the monthly gift card giveaway yet?
For more info about the giveaways, as well as examples of different forms of social media engagement, please visit:
Beginning February 2022, I started offering chances to win one of four gift cards to the digital store of your choice, simply through social media engagement–that is, interacting with Topless Topics on social media and other online spaces, everything from simply “liking” and “replying” to a Twitter post to uploading your own “reply video” that references Topless Topics. The more complex the engagement, the more chances you get to win a gift card! |
New Videos Uploaded This Month
“Topless Topics does #freethenipple “Sexy ASMR”!”
- Uncensored:
“Topless Topics: Daddy Gets His Balls Snipped! (Vasectomy Vlog)”
- Uncensored:
“Cleo Discusses Family Nudism with her Dad”
- Uncensored:
“On Being Bullied and Being the Bully (Vlog)”
- Uncensored:
“Disabled Transfemme Sex Worker and Kink Educator LilRopeBun | Topless Topics Interviews”
- Uncensored:
- Handmaid Censored:
“Interview with Disabled Sex Worker and Homeless Rights Activist Strmclwd/Stormy!”
- Uncensored:
Handmaid Censored:
See a list of the “best of the best” Topless Topics videos on our “Featured” page:
Throwback Video Highlights
Here are some older videos that you might have missed when they were banned before you could see them! Even though they’re older, the topics discussed remain relevant to today, especially considering the fight for topless equality and/or normalizing nonsexual nudity appear to be rapidly backtracking, even in non-US countries.
To see all reuploaded videos so far, you can visit the Topless Topics TROM page:
Or you can visit the website and use the Search fields to look by topic or keyword:
“Topless Topics Rants: The Fallacy of Good Men vs Bad Men”
“Topless Topics Interviews Kenny Riot: Nudism vs Nudity”
“Topless Topics and Just Naked Podcast: a Nudism/Naturism and Topfree Equality Inter-sation”
“Topless Topics Interviews Adult Performer – Erotic Dancer – Edyn Blair”
Site News
New year, new Topless Topics Goals for 2022!
Some goals include increased frequency (and variety!) of video uploads, getting all my previously-lost videos reuploaded to new platforms so you can watch them again, finally producing some Topless Topics-themed merch!
Other Related News
In case you missed it, Adidas made gigantic waves recently by being the first-ever major US company to release an ad featuring fully uncensored female nipples in their sports bra marketing campaign. As expected, the reaction has been heated and full of misogyny, including the usual equation of female nipples to entire penises, calls of “tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn,” assertions of being attention-wh**ing sl*ts, even misguided concern-trolling insisting that it’s demeaning to the women models for not showing their faces alongside their chests (because they definitely wouldn’t lose professional opportunities or face ostracization by conservative family and friends. Not in this country. No way).
There have been some good responses, like this one, where women express their appreciation for this normalization of breasts of all shapes and sizes. Not just “picture-perfect, areola free underwear model” breasts. At this time it’s difficult to determine if more social media responses about the ad have been pro- or anti-topless equality, but it’s certainly gotten digital tongues wagging, and that’s much preferable to the radio silence and unquestioning acceptance that female nipples are, like, totally pornographic, just like penises. Come to think of it, that gives me an idea for another video.
Upcoming Livestream Schedule
I will be continuing to have my weekly livestreams every Saturday from 3 – 7 pm PST at, which if you haven’t attended before, generally focus around gaming but sometimes include art projects or simply chatting with viewers about the topics of the day. And of course, the conversation almost always veers towards normalizing nudity, feminism, and current events both related and not to the fight for topless equality! Unfortunately, Twitch being Twitch, brutal violence and gore in video games is allowed, but even a static image of a female nipple will get you banned. As such, these streams are not topless.
I will also soon be exploring the idea of streaming to JoystickTV a new website and spiritual successor to the doomed livestream platform Plexstorm (RIP) that does allow, but not require, nudity or sexually explicit activity. In fact, many of the erstwhile content creators from Plexstorm have migrated to JoystickTV, and I’m in talks with several of them about potentially setting up co-livestreams where we play games and chat together!
If you’d like to know if and when I start streaming to JoystickTV, follow Topless Topics on social media (Links below).
Let’s finish this up with April’s Community Question of the Month
(again, for more guidance on how to submit posts to our Community Question lists, please go here: )
“Do you support gender-neutral topless equality and/or normalizing full-body nudity? Why or why not?”
Please have your submission in by midnight of May 31st to be included in next month’s list of entries!
Whew, that was a long newsletter!
Follow Topless Topics on social media to find out as soon as new videos go up, community polls are released, unscheduled livestreams are starting, and other exciting news:
For the most up-to-date and as-yet-unbanned social media links, please go to
You can use the links beneath, but if you are reading this newsletter at some point in the future, some or all of these links may have been banned:
Featured/Best Videos:
Every Time Topless Topics Has Been Banned:
TROM videos:
Youtube (main):
Youtube (vlogs only):
Instagram (main):
Instagram (updates only):