Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos!

Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos!

Originally sent out September 13, 2019

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Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos!

Hello and welcome once again, faithful followers and fans of Topless Topics! Sorry as always that this newsletter is so sporadic—maybe one of you might be interested in volunteering to help me run it? *grin*

In any event, let’s get on to the links so I don’t waste everyone’s time!

[Chat with Cleo and other Topless Topics fans: Join our Discord server!]

At long last, I think I’ve found a workable solution that will facilitate communication between me and my followers, without splitting my attention to several dozen 1v1 IMs—let’s all chat with each other on Discord! If you’ve never heard of Discord, it’s a text and voice chat system pretty similar to the old IRC rooms, that allows you to create sub-rooms broken up by subject or whatever. I’ve made several sub-rooms for Topless Topics already like nudism, gaming, relationships, etc. and we’ll make more if necessary to keep the conversations from getting overwhelming (you’re always welcome to shoot the breeze in the off-topic room as well, if you don’t know where to start!) I’ll be filling it out more as I learn how to use Discord, but you can join the conversation here: I’ll also be adding a rules explanation and an embedded chat widget to so check that link out!

[New Videos]

Tech Tutorials- (watch the intro to the #TechTutorials here: )

-In a nutshell, the #techtutorials cost $1 per video for unlimited access, and each focuses on teaching a skill or task, like making a photography backdrop, editing a photograph to sell online, etc. The money goes towards improving Topless Topics content, more specific info about that here:

Also, all Patreon donors of all levels get access to every Tech Tutorial as it becomes available, so if you’re interested in signing up for that, you can do it here:

New Tech Tutorials:

All new Tech Tutorials are also added to this page and announced on social media as well, so you can look there to find new videos as soon as they’re posted!

New Vlogs:

Videos Coming Soon:


Whew, I think that about does it! Sorry there was such a backlog of video links to share! Of course if you want to stay up-to-date with all new videos as they’re released, I always make a front-page post about it at and link to it through social media!


[Community Questions]

So I’ve brought this idea up before and haven’t quite launched it officially yet, but I’m giving it another go-

To encourage submissions and input from supporters of Topless Topics, I want to start doing “Community Question” vlogs—aggregate videos where I pose a question or topic to the Topless Topics community, then cobble together all video, audio, text-only or imagery that you all submit into a video that we can all share and enjoy! I would really like to get these projects off the ground (even if it means lots more time spent editing on my end *groan*) so if you’re reading this, I hope you’ll be interested in submitting a piece!

I’ve got two Community Questions going already, so please review and consider submitting your answers here:

Remember, your submission doesn’t have to be a video (though video is always preferred)—whatever method of contributing that’s most feasible and comfortable for you is fine, whether that’s a painting that the question inspired you to do, a text post describing your answer, whatever! (If submitting a text post, please don’t make it too long or I’ll have to cut it down to just the highlights and it might not make it into the final video!)

If you have any questions or need some help figuring out how to put together your submission, feel free to ask in the Collaboration sub-chatroom here!


[Social Media Updates]

As those of you who already follow me on social media probably know, recently I quit Twitter as my account was, once again, temporarily banned after some random catwoman crossplayer who was threatening to report me to CPS and have my kids taken away for being a topless equality advocate reported my innocent breastfeeding profile pic to the Twitter police. I also quit because I was spending too much time on Twitter every night, reading about our terrible political news and getting depressed that I can’t seem to do anything about it.

In its place, I’m still trying to give MeWe a chance, though the UI (and proliferance of porn bots) leaves much to be desired:

And more recently, I’m really trying to push the Discord server, because it’s just so much cleaner and easier to use (especially on my phone, vs MeWe!)

I’m also still maintaining the @ToplessTopics Instagram account for new video updates and day to day stuff (reluctantly and with heavy censorship because Facebook owns Instagram and bears the same disdain towards women and nonbinaries):

And this new Instagram account I started that specifically highlights and supports breastfeeding in public:

(btw for the handful of you that actually enjoy my many many kid-pictures and videos, I started this Instagram the day my 3 y/o Link was born and I still update it every day)

Aaaaand speaking of Facebook, I still completely resent Zuckerberg for so clearly demonstrating his hatred of women by allowing posts full of guns and gore while banning anything depicting nipples on what appears to be a woman, including breastfeeding and mastectomy photos (despite claiming otherwise), buuuuuut it’s unfortunately proving to be pretty much the only method I can communicate with some of the other sex-positive activists and other interesting people in the Portland area that I wanna interview and collaborate with, so I’m very reluctantly starting to use it again. I’m using Hootsuite to post regularly to the Facebook group for Topless Topics: which I do check comments for occasionally and it’s always a nice surprise to read genuine words of encouragement, instead of insulting porn requests!

(And most importantly, again, join us on discord!!)


[Collaboration Guide]

One almost-last little thing, I’ve had various conversations with people online who wanted to make some kind of video together, but weren’t sure how to set that up technology-wise. So I put together this Collaboration page that spells out a few methods we can use, and hopefully this can help me connect and guide those of you who want to film a video with me: (If any of these methods appeal to you, then please use the form at the bottom of the page to submit your request and I’ll try to work something out!)


[Future Livestreams]

ACTUAL LAST NOTE, I promise, is some news about upcoming livestreams. So a bunch of you have been asking when my future livestreams will be, and unfortunately the answer is “I don’t know.” Not to reiterate this tired point, but my life is VERY busy right now—on top of everything I do for Topless Topics (which is to say, EVERYTHING, as this is a one-person enterprise), I’m also mother to two young children, a freelance graphic designer/illustrator, and caretaker to elderly parents (one of whom is near end-of-life thanks to cancer). So, suffice it to say, I have a lot on my plate.

That being said, I’m always hopeful that I’ll be able to produce more content regularly, especially as my kids get slightly older (which means needing slightly less constant supervision) and the cooler weather means I can work from my recording shed more often (on warm days, my “murder shack” is an oven). So, TL;DR, I will try to make livestreams more regular as I am able to secure babysitting for those periods ahead of time (want to help me achieve that? Please consider donating!), as childcare is my biggest concern. Or, just follow me on social media and on the days when I am able to start an impromptu livestream, I’ll be sure to let you know!

(One final pitch for the new Discord chatroom—I made a sub-chatroom devoted entirely to gaming, and I would love to start having “community livestreams” where we all select a game and a time to play together, and I’ll livestream my screen at the same time so those who aren’t able to play with us can watch!)


HOKAY, I’M FINALLY SHUTTING UP NOW!! Thanks as always to all my followers big and small, I cannot express in mere words how much I appreciate each and every one of you, especially as you put up with me during my very, very busy life! See you in the next newsletter, however far away that is~


-Cleo of Topless Topics


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