Please note this page is SUPER under-construction, I hope to have it look a lot better by the time I leave for Vidcon on June 21st!

- First: review the available slogans in the first gallery, and make note of which slogan you want on your shirt (or none at all!).
- Second: review the available graphics in the second gallery, and make note of which graphic you want on your shirt (or none at all!)
- Third: if the graphic you choose has a space for nipples, choose the level of censorship you want (cartoon nipples, Topless Topics pastie, or no nipples at all)
- Fourth: decide on the color you want for your slogan + graphic.
- Then finally, use the form at the bottom to choose the options for the combination of slogan + graphic + color + shirt size!
- If shipping within the US, add $10 to pay for shipping (all shirts are sent in the smallest possible Flat Rate box, which ranges from $10 to $22 in price). TOPLESS TOPICS T-SHIRTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES AT THIS TIME. If I can find an affordable print-on-demand service to sell shirts overseas with, I will let you know on social media. 😉
So, for instance, ordering an entire-design like “Art Noveau- Ban Nipples” would be $40 for the shirt then an additional $10 for shipping (so, $50 in total) since the graphic all comes in one package. Alternatively, you can build-your-own-design by selecting the “SLOGAN_BAN NIPS” for $15 to be paired with the “GRAPHIC_NIPCOLLAGE” for $10, so the total you would pay for the graphic is $25, plus $10 for shipping (so, $30 in total). The range in prices is dependent on how complicated the design is, as the more complicated designs take me a lot longer to create (3-5 hours vs 1-2 hours).
For now, you’ll have to send the money for the shirt manually, until I can figure a way around my Stripe ban to set up an e-store right here on the site. If you’re confused about the process, feel free to fill out the form below and I can try to explain the process to you more clearly. You can also contact me via other social media platforms:
The price for the shirts is based on shipping in the United States only–shipping outside of the country is way more expensive and confusing, and I don’t have the energy or time to figure it out just yet. You can always help support Topless Topics by becoming a Patreon donor and/or buying artistic nude digital prints, though!
New options for slogans, graphics, and colors will continue to be added as I’m able to design them!
Please note that different options in prices reflect the complexity, and therefore time it takes, to produce a shirt with that design. For instance, creating a shirt with the “don’t be a twit, they’re just tits” takes 3 – 5 hours to make, as opposed to 1 – 2 hours for simpler designs.
Slogan + Graphic Combos
(comes as one graphic)
$40 for entire design:

Art Noveau- Twit ($40)
Art Noveau border with graphics of small birds in the top left and bottom right corner, framing the phrase: “don’t be a twit, they’re just tits”

Art Noveau- Ban Nipples ($40)
Art Noveau border with graphics of different style nipples and the phrase: “ban all nipples or no nipples”
$20 for entire design:
See “nipple censorship” section below to indicate what variety of nipple censorship to show on shirt

Allow All Chests ($20)
Cartoon drawing of a “male pectoral” on the left and a “female breast” on the right with the phrase: “why is this allowed in public, but this isn’t?”

Combo: Breast/Gun Offended ($20)
Graphic of a cartoon breast on the left and handgun outline on the right with the phrase: “if this offends you but this doesn’t, what does that say about you?”

Ban All Nipples ($20)
Cartoon drawing of a “male pectoral” on the left and a “female breast” on the right with the phrase: “why is this allowed in public, but this isn’t?”

Certified Male Nipple ($20)
Cartoon drawing of two “nipples,” formed as a circle with a small U shape in the middle, and the text “Certified Male Nipple” written following the outside curve of the circle (indicate on order form if you would like the phrase to repeat once or twice)

Free the Nip-Eels ($20)
Cartoon drawing of two eels, with one playfully nipping (taking a small bite) out of the other, and the phrase at the top: “Free the Nip-Eels”

Cartoon drawing of genderless nipples framing the phrase: “if cartoon nipples on a woman offend you, you might be a misogynist”

Cartoon drawing of genderless nipples framing the phrase: “if cartoon nipples on a woman offend you, you might be a misogynist”
$15 for slogan only:
Select slogan + graphic or slogan only using the form below

Slogan only: “ban all nipples or no nipples”

Slogan only: “this guy supports gender equality!”

Slogan only: “ban n*zis not nipples”

Slogan only: “this guy supports gender equality!”
$10 for GRAPHIC only:

Design featuring a collage of nipples in various shapes

Design featuring two simplified lineart breasts
(optional) choose level of nipple censorship

Removes the nipples entirely out of the design

Displays nipples as simplified cartoon U-shapes

Replaces nipples with the “Topless Topics” digital pastie/logo