Where to find “Not Safe For Capitalism” Topless Topics Content

(last updated 10/24/2023. To make sure you are following the most up-to-date information, follow me on social media! All currently as-yet-unbanned links can be found here: www.toplesstopics.org/contact )

Given how often I have to remake accounts to re-upload all my content, finding the patriarchy-unfriendly versions of Topless Topics videos and livestreams can be a bit of a whack-a-mole. Currently, here is where you can find it:

  • any uncensored versions of my videos are uploaded to the TROM Peertube account. You can see every video uploaded so far here: https://videos.trom.tf/c/toplesstopics/videos
  • You can also find VODs of my NSFW livestreams on TROM. Here is a playlist of just those: https://videos.trom.tf/w/p/r7XivuJF5fTziG5PC4UoKo
    • Please note that getting my VODs up to TROM isn’t an automatic process like it is on mainstream sites like Youtube and Twitch–I have to manually reencode each VOD to get it within the <5gb limit then reupload it, a tedious and time consuming process. Therefore it can take me a while to get each VOD up. To make sure you know when a new VOD is available, you can follow me on social media to see any announcements: www.toplesstopics.org/contact
  • As of me writing this, I am livestreaming four times a week–Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 12-2pm PST (Though I usually continue to 2:30 or 3:30, depending on how noisy my kids are being)
    • Monday and Thursday livestreams are at twitch.tv/cerigotgame and youtube.com/@cerigotgame (cerigotgame is the name of my “video game-focused” channel). The streams are “SFW,” meaning that guts and gore are fine, just no heinous female nipples. Usually I’m streaming a video game, but occasionally I’m working on “SFW” art, cosplay, or other creative projects
    • Tuesday and Friday livestreams are at joystick.tv/u/toplesstopics which is technically a “sex site” but you can go directly to my page without having to see any sexually explicit adverts displaying in the sidebars. 🙂 Activities include editing my topless equality videos and interviews, drawing “NSFW” art, editing “NSFW” artistic nude photography (for sale on my Gumroad account- toplesstopics.gumroad.com)
    • As mentioned, if you’re not able to make it to the stream, I do my best to have VODs available for re-watching after they end. The VODs are automatically available on Twitch and Youtube right after they finish, but the Joystick ones have to be manually re-encoded and uploaded so they take longer. If you’d like to help me make the process faster, you can donate so I can hire a team to take care of more of the back-end process for me ;p

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