Tag: censorship

  • [REPOST] So long Youtube, Thanks for all the Banned Videos (no more breasts for you)

    [REPOST] So long Youtube, Thanks for all the Banned Videos (no more breasts for you)

    Originally uploaded to the original Topless Topics Youtube Channel on Mar 31, 2015 Man I keep finding these old videos I apparently uploaded to Youtube but not Vimeo. Mostly because the videos are -about- youtube and -aimed at- youtube so it felt a bit silly to post here as well. But I might as well,…

  • [REPOST] Banned from Youtube AND Facebook ON THE SAME DAY! Yep, another hiatus!

    [REPOST] Banned from Youtube AND Facebook ON THE SAME DAY! Yep, another hiatus!

    Originally posted to the original Topless topics Youtube channel on Feb 7, 2018 If it seems like I go on a lot of these hiatuses after having videos/accounts/etc banned, it’s because I do. It’s exhausting work to put so much goddamn time and effort into these videos and social media posts only to have them…

  • [REPOST] Fed-Up Free the Nipple Feminist Ragequits Social Media! (& commemorates by burning my Youtube/Vidcon Playbook!)

    [REPOST] Fed-Up Free the Nipple Feminist Ragequits Social Media! (& commemorates by burning my Youtube/Vidcon Playbook!)

    Originally uploaded March 6, 2018 The idea was to encourage others to re-upload this same video to help me protest (and get around the censorship and shadowbanning) of having my content banned/censored/etc yet-a-freaking-gain, but no one actually did that, so. Did feel good burning that fucking Youtube Creator Playbook, even though it was harder than…

  • New Webcomic Page: “New Follower”

    New Webcomic Page: “New Follower”

    Censored Version Uncensored Version All Webcomic Pages Can Be Found Here: https://www.toplesstopics.org/webcomic/ Watch the livestream recording where I drew this page here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/629903592 Here’s a new webcomic page detailing something in my life as a Free The Nipple activist that happens multiple times a day x.x I’ve debated at times if I should just allow…

  • John Coleman Interviews Cleo of Topless Topics!

    John Coleman Interviews Cleo of Topless Topics!

    Hey y’all, my interview -by- John Coleman of the Apocatastasis Institute for his “A conversation with…” series is now online! Please check it out and leave a like & comment thanking John for giving me this opportunity to ramble on about censorship! XD ^-^;    

  • Presenting My New Gaming-Focused Channel: The Feminist Gamer!

      Please subscribe to my new Youtube channel “The Feminist Gamer,” which will feature all my gaming-centric videos, thoroughly sanitized of any offending nipples so that hopefully viewers who are interested in gaming can find said videos, unlike all my Topless Topics videos which automatically get banned and/or censored and/or hidden from search results! I’ll…