Tag: fan-submitted
Fan Response Video: Depression response (Topless Topics)
In response to my recent “Topless Topics Life Update: Pooping, Pregnancy and Suicidal Thoughts” vlog, supersupporter Brian Julien has shared this tragic and traumatic recounting of his own very justified struggle with depression, after a series of loved ones passed within a short time. Brian, I sincerely thank you for laying yourself bare like this,…
Fan Video: Topless Topic shout out
Holy cow, you guys! A Topless Topics fan actually shot a whole 10+ minute video shoutout to the channel! I’m SO HONORED! Originally posted by user Brian Julien on Dec 7, 2017, his caption is: Showing respect for a job well done. THANK YOU, BRIAN! Seriously I cried when I first saw this! It is such…