Tag: free the nipple

  • Go Topless to Save Democracy! (Kavanaugh Protests & GoTopless Day this Sunday Aug 26)

    Go Topless to Save Democracy! (Kavanaugh Protests & GoTopless Day this Sunday Aug 26)

    Find a Kavanaugh Protest and/or GoTopless Day event in your area, or start your own! Kavanaugh: act.moveon.org/event/unite-for-justice/ GoTopless Day: gotopless.org/gotopless-day   Relevant links: bloomberg.com/news/videos/2018-08-23/devos-may-let-school-districts-use-federal-funds-to-buy-guns-video washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-republicans-shoot-down-extra-funds-for-election-security/2018/08/01/cac1750a-95a1-11e8-a679-b09212fb69c2_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.45eb7f53a2f3 slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/07/brett-kavanaugh-has-a-clear-record-against-roe-v-wade.html politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2018/07/11/brett-kavanaugh-president-indicted-709641 indivisible.org/resource/must-stop-kavanaugh-becoming-trumps-next-supreme-court-justice/ Tried some more editing than I usually put into my videos, not sure if it’s worth it. I’m going to upload the full unedited (uncensored) version as well to…

  • NEWS: Florida Teen Told to Wear Bandaids Over Nipples, and Ordered by Teachers to “Jump Up and Down” to Test for Jiggliness??

    NEWS: Florida Teen Told to Wear Bandaids Over Nipples, and Ordered by Teachers to “Jump Up and Down” to Test for Jiggliness??

    Picture posted by Liz Martinez to demonstrate the outfit she was wearing when school officials pulled her out of class for “distracting” other students by attending school without wearing a bra Whelp, Florida is in the news once again, and as per usual, it’s not for something that moves society forward, but rather drags us…

  • Well I Was Considering Leaving Hiatus But Then Youtube Deleted My Entire Account So Nevermind The Hiatus Is Now Permanent! :D

    Well I Was Considering Leaving Hiatus But Then Youtube Deleted My Entire Account So Nevermind The Hiatus Is Now Permanent! 😀

    Hey everyone! I was just about to decide to come off hiatus despite having all my accounts temporarily banned a month ago, and was discussing whether or not to leave the hiatus on an UNLISTED stream on and ALTERNATE account with the url provided ONLY to $20+ patrons. But then right at the end of…

  • Oops, Another Banned Video!

    Oops, Another Banned Video!

    Well, looks like some forced-birthers and anti-women’s rights types weren’t too happy with this video I had up for OVER TWO YEARS, as the good algorithms at Youtube have just removed yet another of my videos and hit me with a “community guidelines strike,” which in case you’re unaware, three strikes means my whole account…

  • Topless Topics: (Lack of) Portland Women’s March 2018 Response

    Topless Topics: (Lack of) Portland Women’s March 2018 Response

    Greetings everybody! I was hoping to have the actual footage from last weekend where I went to a few of the the disparate marches that Portland had instead of a unified women’s march, but just editing -this- video took all day and I have some freelance work I need to finish before I can keep…

  • Topless Topics Hatemail Response: Rape Culture and You

    Topless Topics Hatemail Response: Rape Culture and You

    Hello friends, welcome to 2018! I was hoping to start the year off on a more positive note, but then I got this lovely textbook example of toxic masculinity and rape culture in my inbox and, well, I thought it was worth talking about. I promise I will put greater effort into future videos to…