Tag: photography
“Spring Nymph” Nude Beach/Forest Photos now available on Etsy!
Spring Nymph – Fern Set – Digital Photos now available: https://www.etsy.com/listing/696517525/mature-artistic-nude-digital-print?ref=listings_manager_grid A week after the photoshoot, I’ve finally had a chance to start putting some of the photos I took with Dauntless Photography at the Rooster Rock Clothing-Optional Beach/Forest on the Topless Topics Etsy Store to help me fund new projects, like the Recording Studio/Shed I…
Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro
Here’s a little preview of the props I made/brought for my “Spring / Easter Nymph Forest / Beach Photoshoot” at Rooster Rock Nude Beach! I got fairly banged up dealing with thorns and brambles, but otherwise it was fun and I got some really good shots out of it. I’ll start making them available soon…
UPDATE: voting is now closed, and the top ten choices are now available for purchase in the store! Visit by clicking here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ToplessTopics Choose which Rooster Rock Nude Beach photos to add to to the Etsy store! As you may have heard me mention before, each listing in the Etsy store costs money to post.…
NEW PHOTOS AVAILABLE! Aeden Pregnancy Photoset 1!
View Etsy Listing for Aeden Pregnancy Photoset 1: https://www.etsy.com/listing/624081441/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-mature Option A: https://www.etsy.com/listing/610250808/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-option Option B: https://www.etsy.com/listing/624088197/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-option Option C: https://www.etsy.com/listing/610251312/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-option Option D: https://www.etsy.com/listing/624088609/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-option Option E: https://www.etsy.com/listing/624088703/aeden-pregnancy-photoshoot-set-1-option At long last, I cleaned up some of the photos my mom took in my ninth month of being pregnant with Aeden, which are now available for purchase on the Topless Topics Etsy store as either individual…