Tag: site news
Topless Topics New Years Resolutions 2024- goodbye Impostor Syndrome, hello Self-Confidence and Success!
“Patriarchy Unapproved” version on TROM: “Patriarchy Approved” version on Youtube: Whew. I was really hoping to get this video out right before new year’s, but as per usual, my kids and daily life chaos made it take way longer TT_TT I also put considerably more work into preparing for and editing this video…I even wore…
Tentative new home for uncensored Topless Topics videos: LBRY!
Click here to be directed to my Topless Topics LBRY account, where I’ll slowly be re-uploading some of my older uncensored topless equality videos as I test this platform out: https://open.lbry.com/@ToplessTopics:c Or, keep scrolling to find out more about what LBRY is and how to use it! List of videos re-uploaded to LBRY so far:…
!IMPORTANT! On August 20th on Patreon, I’ll be increasing the $1 tier to $2
Hey guys, I’m afraid I’ve got a potentially difficult decision to make… I’m going to be changing around some of the pricing for donation tiers, because while I greatly appreciate each and every one of you, I’m not making enough to even pay off existing Topless Topics-related debts, let alone pay anything towards the many,…