Tag: social media

  • Topless Topics: Why I Don’t Read Video Comments

    Topless Topics: Why I Don’t Read Video Comments

    Yes indeed, just as the video says, this here is an explainer on why I will no longer bother reading video comments, either on here or Youtube. In case your attention span can’t handle a 15 minute video, the two main reasons are: 1. it’s very technologically difficult and time consuming (especially on vimeo!) and…

  • Social Media Update: no more video comments, only Zuul! (er, chat and SM replies)

    Social Media Update: no more video comments, only Zuul! (er, chat and SM replies)

    As it says in the graphic above, I’ve decided I’m no longer going to bother with the hassle of checking video comments on Youtube and Vimeo, since both websites make it so difficult to read and reply to video comments–Vimeo especially–and the vast majority of those comments are insulting and/or creepy garbage, anyway. Instead, I’m…

  • New Snapchat for Community Regulars!

    New Snapchat for Community Regulars!

    Hey all, I wanted to let everyone know that I’m giving Snapchat another whirl, despite feeling like it’s kinda silly to pile another social media platform on to all the myriad other ones I’m already trying to keep up. But Snapchat claims they allow nonsexual nudity, so let’s try it (many websites claim this yet…

  • Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos!

    Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos!

    Originally sent out September 13, 2019 Not signed up for the newsletter yet? Join the list here! https://www.toplesstopics.org/newsletter/ Topless Topics Newsletter: September 2019 – New Chatroom, New Videos! Hello and welcome once again, faithful followers and fans of Topless Topics! Sorry as always that this newsletter is so sporadic—maybe one of you might be interested in…

  • Follow Topless Topics on Social Media!

    Follow Topless Topics on Social Media!

    Direct social media links: Social media links (in approximate order of how often they’re updated): Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToplessTopics Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toplesstopics MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/toplesstopics Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/toplesstopics Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ToplessTopics Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ToplessTopics Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/ToplessTopics Video Game Livestreams: twitch.tv/toplesstopics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTopicsTV Tumblr: http://toplesstopics.tumblr.com/ Email: toplesstopicstv@gmail.com I don’t have time to reply to every message, but I do read all of them,…