

Hey cats! While I was creating this video about how to use votesaveamerica.com to help you register and research your vote for the midterms, I was inspired to try out a new hashtag- #TitsOut4Democracy. 

You can read this twitter thread to find out more/see more examples of #TitsOut4Democracy (including my mom and dad participating!) but the basic premise is this:
  • “Take a picture of yourself topless while holding a sign with some reasons for #WhyYouVote, then tag it with #TitsOut4Democracy. Because the upcoming #Midterms are that damn important, and more eyeballs means more votes.”
Any gender/body type/etc is invited and encouraged to participate, and you can always cover whatever you need to in order to feel comfortable (use the #WhyIVote sign to block your face, for instance). And be sure to add #TitsOut4Democracy so I can find it! Then I can add it to this Twitter Moment I started making, as well as add it to the #TitsOut4Democracy page (if you want to participate but don’t want your picture added to the moment/page, just let me know in the caption!). I know the relation between Topless Equality and voting in the midterms seems pretty strange, but it’s really not if you think about it! After all, if it wasn’t for civil disobedience and fighting for equal rights in democracy, we wouldn’t have even the minimal equality we have now, and if corrupt misogynists maintain control of Congress as they have been, we’ll be losing even those minimal rights! So please, if you care about equality in ANY sense (not just for topless rights among genders, but rights for anyone who isn’t a rich, white, allegedly Christian cis male!) then you need to say so with your VOTES! (And if you can, go the extra mile by volunteering–spread the word about candidates you support, phone bank, drive other voters to the polls–I will be adding more information about this to www.toplesstopics.org/vote, but for now, here’s a link to get you started: https://www.rockthevote.org/action-center/volunteer/
Other #TitsOut4Democracy entries:
(See in Twitter Moment form: https://twitter.com/i/moments/1052770885847867392)
My mom!
My dad!
(Tweet your #TitsOut4Democracy post to @ToplessTopics, or email the url to toplesstopicstv@gmail.com!)
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