Topless Topics Hatemail Response: Rape Culture and You

Topless Topics Hatemail Response: Rape Culture and You

Hello friends, welcome to 2018! I was hoping to start the year off on a more positive note, but then I got this lovely textbook example of toxic masculinity and rape culture in my inbox and, well, I thought it was worth talking about.

I promise I will put greater effort into future videos to not be so angry and focus more on things that actually make me happy, like video games and making sure American voters are equipped to bring in the #BlueTsunami in November!

Hang out with us in the new Topless Topics website and community forum:

Other videos mentioned in this one:
Mickeleh’s video on “Youtube Celebrity Culture” (check out his whole channel though, it’s full of great stuff!)
One of my more detailed responses to why it’s not a “compliment” when guys leave comments like “you have fantastic tits!”
One fan’s shoutout video to Topless Topics that seriously left me in tears of gratitude:

Follow Topless Topics on social media for new content updates and conversations-

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I don’t have time to reply to every message, but I do read all of them, and will reply to direct inquiries if I can!

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