Topless Topics: (Lack of) Portland Women’s March 2018 Response

Topless Topics: (Lack of) Portland Women’s March 2018 Response

Greetings everybody! I was hoping to have the actual footage from last weekend where I went to a few of the the disparate marches that Portland had instead of a unified women’s march, but just editing -this- video took all day and I have some freelance work I need to finish before I can keep editing x.x I hope to have it up soon, though!

Anyway most of the info in this video isn’t new: it’s the same type of thing I’ve ranted about many times already, like how nonsensical it is to ban women’s nipples from ALL social media websites (y’know, the main point of these vlogs?), some proof that YES, despite you finding that one pic or video containing female nipple that one time, your favorite social media platform does in fact ban topless women and has banned me before (seriously, I have so many receipts), and so on. But I still get a lot of the same damn questions, insults and demands, so I figured I’d lay it all out there yet again -_- Although I am really starting to think it doesn’t matter what I say or what proof I show, people are gonna keep believing what they wanna believe, as people do…

Anyhow, thanks for watching, look for the march footage soon, and join the community on the Topless Topics website if you haven’t yet so you can suggest video topics, share relevant links, make friends with other FTN supporters, and more!

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