Topless Topics: Sexuality Sundays Ep3: Let’s Talk Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

Topless Topics: Sexuality Sundays Ep3: Let’s Talk Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

After taking a week and a half break over Thanksgiving to give myself a breather, I’m back with a new Sexuality Sundays video, this time talking about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and where to find them! (sorry, little Harry Potter joke there…)

Seriously though, since finding out that I’m not over the Human Papilloma Virus like I thought, and that I miiiiight have strain 18 which could turn into something “precancerous”…yeah I thought it was something worth talking about.

I’ll have more health updates as I learn them, for those interested! As always, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to follow me on social media for more timely updates than always waiting for a new video, links below!

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