Topless Topics Reacts: Do Trans Men Have Male Privilege?

Topless Topics Reacts: Do Trans Men Have Male Privilege?

Patriarchy-friendly version on Youtube:

Patriarchy-unfriendly version on TROM/PeerTube:

Stumbled onto this wonderful video by “Swolesome” that I felt compelled to react to, especially when he specifically mentioned the newfound ability to go topless in public without anyone caring:
See Swolesome’s whole channel at . As of me writing this he only has 19k subscribers, so definitely check him out and leave some supportive comments! His videos are excellent, I can’t wait to binge on more of them.
The other progressive creator I mentioned who covers trans characters and jokes in mainstream media, Lily Simpson, is here:

Also, if you’re watching this version of the video then congrats, you already found the “patriarchy unfriendly” version of this video. However if you’d like to really help new people discover my content and maybe be persuaded to agree that gender-based censorship is insane, please follow/comment/share/etc my posts on mainstream platforms as well, so I’m not endlessly screaming into the void:

(check first in case any more accounts of mine get banned after I write this)

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