Topless Topics Newsletter August 2022

Topless Topics Newsletter August 2022

(formatting may look odd as the content doesn’t copy well from the email)

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Topless Topics Newsletter –
August 2022

New content, new merch, new community question!

Follow Topless Topics on Social Media!

Welcome to August’s Topless Topics newsletter! I decided I’m going to aim for sending these newsletters out on the first Friday of each month, instead of the 1st. Hopefully now that my kids are finally back in school, I can keep up with actually sending these out!

New to the newsletter, or maybe you want to refresh your memory of editions past? You can always visit the Newsletter page to read past editions you might have missed:

Newsletter Sections:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Sub-Only Livestreams
  • Custom T-shirts & Merch
  • Artistic Nude Digital Photoprints
  • New Videos
  • Final Thoughts

This month, I bring you good news! School has FINALLY started again, which means I have a lot more time during the workday to livestream, film and edit new videos, set up in-person interviews, and a whole lot more–—keep reading to find out what’s coming next!

Now doing 3x week livestreams

Free SFW livestream on Saturdays,
(at least) two subscriber-only NSFW
livestreams Tuesdays and Thursdays

Now that I have at least six hours a day M-F free to work on whatever (on the days that one or both kids don’t get sent home sick, at least), I’m going to maximize a lot of that time by doing three-times-a-week livestreams: my usual video-gaming-or-art stream Saturdays 3-7pm PST at, and now two more livestreams during the week—either on Twitch or Youtube if it’s a safe-for-work project, or for the patriarchy-unapproved content (like editing uncensored Topless Topics videos), I’ll be using the sex-worker-friendly livestreaming website JoystickTV at 😀

I’d like to set up a relatively-standardized livestream schedule of Tuesday 12-3pm, Thursday 12-3pm, Saturday 3-7pm (all PST), but I encourage you to follow me on social media and join our Discord chatroom so I can announce if I have to change the livestream schedule based on other real-life commitments. You can find all my as-yet-unbanned social media links here:

Experimentally, as a way to fundraise for website hosting costs, etc (since I’m banned from monetizing ads on any of my videos and sponsors won’t return my emails), I’m going to be making the NSFW T/Th livestreams subscriber-only on JoytstickTV – meaning you’ll have to be subscribed to my JoystickTV account ($5/mo at ) to access to the behind-the-scenes, NSFW ones. Unfortunately JoystickTV does not yet have a feature where I can “gift” accounts such as to participants in the Promo Squad (gain free access to videos and other perks by simply sharing my content on social media–read about that here: ) or for existing Patreon donors (which you can join here- ).

So to make the stream available to Promo Squad and Patreon members as well, I’m going to “co-stream” through Discord at the same time as the subscriber-only JoystickTV streams. This means that the only way to see the weekly NSFW streams for free or as a Patreon donor is to join our Discord chatroom here: ! If you are a Patreon donor (, check the Topless Topics Patreon page while logged in and you should see the “get your special Discord role” perk which you can link to your Discord name for patron-only access–you can read a guide on how to do this here:

To recap:

  • Livestreams three times a week
  • Beginning Tuesday, September 6th
  • Schedule (unless announced otherwise):
    • Tuesday 12-3pm PST
    • Thursday 12-3pm PST
    • Saturday 3-7pm PST
  • Location of livestream will be announced on social media just prior to starting the stream–SFW content on Twitch or Youtube, NSFW content on JoystickTV
  • To access the NSFW livestreams, you will have to either:
    • Be a $5/mo subscriber at
    • Be a member of our Promo Squad (, AND a member of our Discord chatroom(
    • Be a Patreon member AND a member of our Discord chatroom
  • Make sure you follow Topless Topics on social media so you will be alerted when a new stream starts, or if I have to cancel/reschedule a livestream!

Custom-made Topless Topics T-shirts
and Sports Bras now available to order!

I’m excited to announce I’ve finally figured out a way to start producing Topless Topics branded merchandise, albeit on a small scale for now. Featuring a growing array of clever/cute phrases, nipple-equality-focused slogans, or simply the “Topless Topics” logo, you can order a shirt in whatever style, size, and color you wish–as well as whichever design and in whatever color you wish, as well!

For now, each shirt will be hand-made by me (Cleo) by printing, cutting, weeding and pressing the vinyl onto the shirt, according to the specifications of your order, so quantity is limited with an extended delivery window, dependent on demand. However, this means you have a lot more customization options available–if I ordered the shirts to be mass-produced so each one is cheaper and faster, you wouldn’t be able to customize size, style, design OR color, outside of a very few limited options.

You can read up more details about what varieties of shirt are available, along with product examples, here:

Returning Soon:
Artistic Nude Digital Photoprints

Beginning years ago, as part of my many efforts to find a way of funding Topless Topics, I arranged and modeled for a handful of “artistic nude photoshoots” – professional-level photos taken in natural environments while wearing semi-translucent or no clothing, in poses meant to invoke Titian or Velázquez. Please note these are NOT sexually explicit photos, nor are they intended to be used as such.

Originally I had these photos available for purchase on Etsy, but Etsy has hefty “fees” per sale, and even costs money month to month just to have a digital storefront. So I decided it wasn’t worth the effort and expense. Then I tried to set up a Stripe account to sell the photos directly and, well, that ended up in yet another insane, patriarchal ban.

However, I’m too stubborn to give up, and now I’ve found a new “workaround” method that might allow me to sell digital photos after all, patriarchy be damned. It’s not quite set up yet, but it will be soon–hopefully by the end of September. In the meantime, we still have the awkward process whereby you tell me which photos you want, send the money as a “donation” through Paypal, and I then email the photos back to you, which you can do here:

Once I have the new storefront system set up, it’ll be much easier to simply buy the photos you want automatically, and with discounts available as well (you’ll purchase credits which can then be exchanged for photos–the more credits you buy, the cheaper they are). Hopefully then it’ll be worth the bother of setting up future photoshoots so I can expand the store, especially as the ‘rona becomes more manageable (as long as you’re not pro-plague!)

As always, if you’d like to be notified the minute the new, more user-friendly photo-picking storefront goes live, follow me on social media for all announcements:

New Videos Recently Uploaded

Pornbot Purge: Day in the Life of a Female-Presenting Topless Equality Activist

Why I Stopped Calling Myself a Nudist/Naturist

Separation Anxiety: Topless Topics Mental Health

Kat Blaque asks: Why are Leftists so White?

Also, semi-daily personal vlogs!

Upcoming Videos:

  • Who TF is (name of controversial figure here)
  • Vidcon 2022 recap: the good, the bad, the viral
  • An Elder Millenial’s Take on Tiktok

Got an idea for a future video? Suggest it to me!

See all new uncensored videos as they’re uploaded/reuploaded on my TROM page:

See all censored videos, including Youtube-only vlogs, on my Youtube page (until it gets banned):

Final thought-
are you or do you know anyone
who would be interesting to film a
Topless Topics interview with?

Always, but especially now that I’ll have more time available during the day, I’m looking for interesting, exciting, worldly, passionate or just otherwise worthwhile people to record interviews with, where we can discuss whatever they’re passionate about, whatever they want to share with the world–be that nudism/naturism, sex worker advocacy, lgbtq+ media reviews, homeless rights, civil justice, favorite comic books, arts and crafts, or more!

I’m happy to set up a video chat interview with the interviewee, and we can each be in whatever state of dress or undress makes them comfortable (ideally we’re both topless, but I’ve done plenty of interviews where we were both clothed, as well). Or if you/the person you’re recommending lives in or near Portland, OR, then we can organize an in-person interview instead!

You can use basically any of the forms of contact listed at to reach out to me, but for interviewees, the preferred form is to email me at . Please keep in mind that while I do have a little more time on my hands now, I’m still the sole creator/editor/promoter/moderator/organizer/all-other-things-er for all of Topless Topics, as well as constantly busy with unrelated home-life stuff, so I thank you in advance for your patience as I try to get through each message and set something up.

That’s it for now! Thanks for reading!

To find out all news, new content, community questions etc as soon as they happen, and/or to reach out to me personally, please follow me on social media:

See you in the next video!

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