
  • Topless Topics Does Terrible American and European Accents!

    Topless Topics Does Terrible American and European Accents!

    This was supposed to be a quick and easy video, but I ended up taking all day editing it anyway, whoops. This was a terrible attempt at doing accents. I can do much better when I’m not simultaneously juggling crying children, I promise.   Social media links (in approximate order of how often they’re updated):…

  • Topless Topics 2019 Goals/Resolutions

    Topless Topics 2019 Goals/Resolutions

    BLOOPER REEL: Topless Topics’ 2019 New Years Resolutions: Blooper Reel from Topless Topics on Vimeo.   I’ll fill this out more later, but here’s a page to write out my 2019 resolutions for making a bigger, better Topless Topics! Here’s a video discussing the top five most important. Aaahhhh I can’t believe it’s already halfway…

  • Topless Topics Game Reviews (with Mom): Fallout 76 – Embrace the Suck

    Topless Topics Game Reviews (with Mom): Fallout 76 – Embrace the Suck

    Didn’t get this video out as soon as I was hoping for, but better late than never. Does Fallout 76 suck as much as the reviews have been saying? Watch this video and find out! (hint: don’t buy it) Social media links (in approximate order of how often they’re updated): Twitter: Instagram: Website:…

  • Topless Topics Reviews Black Mirror’s “Bandersnatch” choose-your-own-adventure episode

    Topless Topics Reviews Black Mirror’s “Bandersnatch” choose-your-own-adventure episode

    Ugh, has it really been a month since my last upload? Time flies when you’re constantly exhausted -_- Anyway Netflix dropped this Black Mirror…um…episode out of nowhere, and after “playing” through a few of the endings, I wanted to give a little review of it! Here’s hoping this can serve as a “gateway drug” to…

  • Topless Topics Update: Everyone’s Sick and/or Dying

    Topless Topics Update: Everyone’s Sick and/or Dying

    Basically just hanging in there until I win the lottery to hire a babysitter, or the kids go off to college TT_TT Follow Topless Topics on social media for new content updates and conversations- Vimeo: Patreon: Etsy: Youtube: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Tumblr: Video Game Livestreams: Email:…

  • Topless Topics: High Anxiety Parenting Problems (& Cancer Talk)

    Topless Topics: High Anxiety Parenting Problems (& Cancer Talk)

    Just venting about frustrations of the emotional labor involved in parenting, as well as worrying about my mom’s cancer getting worse thanks to the incompetence of OHSU.