
  • Topless Topics Rants: The Hellscape of Marriage with Kids

    Topless Topics Rants: The Hellscape of Marriage with Kids

    A slightly melodramatic title for a rant vlog, though sometimes it certainly does feel like hell (sleep deprivation makes everything harder). A long and unstructured rant video about some of my current sources of stress…namely both my kids spending so much of the day (and night) being terrors, and my husband not supporting my artistic…

  • Life Update: Mom Beat Cancer! (sorta)

    Life Update: Mom Beat Cancer! (sorta)

    Shot an impromptu video with my mom about how she didn’t die of cancer as the doctors predicted after all! So even if you’re given a dismal diagnosis, don’t give up hope yet! (if you’re wondering about the weird video effects etc. I recently upgraded to the 2020 version of Premiere and they changed the…

  • Topless Topics Video Game Reviews: “Death Stranding” First Impressions

    Topless Topics Video Game Reviews: “Death Stranding” First Impressions

    I was so excited to play this game, and now it’s finally here!!! Previous video:   All Death Stranding related videos: Find more Topless Topics video game reviews here: Follow Topless Topics on social media for new content updates and conversations- Discord: Vimeo: Patreon: Etsy: Youtube: Twitter:…

  • Topless Topics Rants: the Fallacy of “Good Men vs Bad”

    Topless Topics Rants: the Fallacy of “Good Men vs Bad”

    Please note that Video Availability is currently in flux while I try out different options- check the link below for more information: View on DailyMotion: (if the video is not working, please let me know via one of the forms of contact listed on !) View on LBRY (requires logged-in account with “show…

  • Topless Topics Retro: Uploading a bunch of videos from Youtube channels past!

    Topless Topics Retro: Uploading a bunch of videos from Youtube channels past!

    Hey everyone, lately I’ve been thinning out files on my numerous external harddrives, and I’ve decided to reupload some of the old videos from the various youtube channels I’ve had over the past decade+, everything from song covers to gaming let’s plays to political parodies and more. I don’t know yet which ones I’ll be…

  • Topless Topics Children’s Book Reviews: Pointless Phantoms, Perturbing Porcines and Wintery Wonders

    Topless Topics Children’s Book Reviews: Pointless Phantoms, Perturbing Porcines and Wintery Wonders

    At last, a new Topless Topics Children’s Book Review! For more info on why I started this video series: I keep the book titles and authors out of the title and description so the authors are less likely to google their names and try to get my videos taken down, lol. If you have published…