
  • Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro

    Spring Nymph Photoshoot Vlog – Intro

    Here’s a little preview of the props I made/brought for my “Spring / Easter Nymph Forest / Beach Photoshoot” at Rooster Rock Nude Beach! I got fairly banged up dealing with thorns and brambles, but otherwise it was fun and I got some really good shots out of it. I’ll start making them available soon…

  • March 2019 Update

    March 2019 Update

    Hey guys, long time no chat! Sorry about that–the main reason is that I was laid out flat with stomach flu for over a week, on top of usual parenting duties. Anywho, I figured it’s time for a new update video, and as an experiment I split it up into six parts based on topic,…

  • Topless Topics Parenting: Top 10 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding!

    Topless Topics Parenting: Top 10 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding!

    See the tips in image form:   As part of what I hope will become a more expanded #parenting focus in Topless Topics content, this is a video I produced with some “Top Do’s and Don’t’s for Successful Breastfeeding.” I have LOTS more I want to say in future videos, on a variety of subjects,…

  • Topless Topics Presents: Topless Children’s / Kids Book Reviews?!

    Topless Topics Presents: Topless Children’s / Kids Book Reviews?!

    OMG I forgot to post a link to this video when I uploaded it to Vimeo on 2/21/2019! Crud! Well here’s the description: Finally starting on a project idea I had ages ago. Yes they’re really topless. No they’re not porn. BOOBS ARE LITERALLY INTENDED FOR CHILDREN TO SUCK ON FOR NOURISHMENT. How do you…

  • Topless Topics Update 2/2019: Naked-Friendly Social Media, Store Ideas, Topfree Livestreaming

    Topless Topics Update 2/2019: Naked-Friendly Social Media, Store Ideas, Topfree Livestreaming

    Hello everyone, time for a new update! I tried to keep it short but as always, I failed XD Here are a bunch of relevant links from this video: My 2019 New Years Resolutions video: The “Naturist Living Show” Podcast episode I was interviewed on: Join the Topless Topics group on MeWe:…

  • Topless Topics Political Rants: Ralph Northam, Al Franken, and the Hypocrisy of Whataboutism #OutragePolitics (P1)

    Topless Topics Political Rants: Ralph Northam, Al Franken, and the Hypocrisy of Whataboutism #OutragePolitics (P1)

    This took all day to edit and I didn’t even get to my main point about #whataboutism before Link woke up from his nap and ruined the end of the video x.x I’ll try to finish this up tomorrow! Here are some relevant links: Topless Topics Political Rants: Ralph Northam, Al Franken, and the Hypocrisy…