Topless Topics Only Vlogs

Topless Topics Only Vlogs

Since all my content is under the constant threat of being perma-banned thanks to easily exploitable false reporting systems at the mercy of trolls, I decided to make a whole new Youtube channel just for my unscripted, unplanned “personal vlogs”, which you can subscribe to here:

Topless Topics Only Vlogs

(I need to get to 100 subscribers before I can apply for a custom URL!)

Of course, I’ll still most likely be uploading the same vlogs to my OG Topless Topics account when I can, but following every fresh bullshit ban, I can’t post anything new to that YT account for a week (or longer), and as mentioned, we all know that someday, my Dedicated Cabal of Haters™️ will achieve the ultimate success: getting my entire Youtube account banned, whether or not it actually breaks any Terms of Service (it doesn’t).

As for backing these vlogs up to the only platform I’ve found that DOES allow nonsexual female nipples–the PeerTube instance called TROM–we’ll see, but it seems a bit unnecessary, since these videos are very casual and pretty much just about whatever was exciting/upsetting me at the time that I decided to record them. If I do post a vlog that you think is worth commemorating for the days when Youtube bans my entire existence, leave a comment on the video and let me know!

By the way, if you wanted to introduce a friend or family to the idea of nonsexual nudity and/or topless equality but were hesitant to link them to a video containing actual female nipples, you can link ’em to my entirely clothed vlog channel instead!

Recent Videos:

As for NSFW heinous-female-nipples-containing previous vlogs:

I will do my best to link to them below as I (painstakingly) reload them all to TROM, but I’m prioritizing my “better” videos (usually, interviews and others I worked really hard on editing) for reuploading first, and a lot of the really “whatever” videos I’ve done in the past I probably won’t reupload at all.

I probably won’t do future “life updates” without a shirt on, because it’s not worth the pain in the ass of having to upload them to a female-nipple-safe website that almost no one watches. If Youtube ever decide to stop being fucking hypocrites and allow me at least the same right to exist as numerous other channels with entire body, entirely uncensored content, then we’ll try again!

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