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So on the fourth of July this year, I posted a quick, vague TikTok video of me scowling at a group of my neighbors in the distance (too far away and vague to identify anyone) all gathered around maskless, and included the tag #WearAFuckingMask. Then I forgot about it, because I barely post to TikTok (hate the editing, it’s just not worth it) and barely get a response when I do.
@cleotopics Idiot neighbors hanging out in close knit groups maskless for the fourth of July ##wearadamnmask
♬ original sound – cleotopics
Until today (July 12th) when I logged in again to post a cute video of my kids singing, only to find an EXPLOSION of views and comments on that 4th of July video, all full of hatred and insults and calling me “Karen” (lol meme fail) for telling people in general to wear a mask?

After scoffing in amazement that THIS is the one TikTok I’ve ever made that got any actual attention (though I’m increasingly suspicious that either a troll linked to it on an alt right message board, hostile foreign nation bots are exploiting tags to further drive our country apart to leave a vacuum for them to take over, and/or there really just are a huge group of individual MAGAts who search for tags like #WearAFuckingMask just to complain and insult the creator?), I decided to do a little bit of a trollpost in response:
@cleotopics ##wearafuckingmask ##magatsgonnamagat
♬ Panic Room – Au/Ra
But THEN, I thought, “since simply posting a video with the #WearAFuckingMask tag gets these MAGAts so excited, why don’t I use that excitement to spread the message around further and perhaps actually shame some selfish idiots enough to get them to #WearADamnMask?
And how better to really get that message across than to ask my 73-year-old mother who has been battling cancer for over a decade and would die for certain if she caught Covid19 to tell the country to #WearAFuckingMask ? (I asked her to swear for impact, and the only way I could convince her to do it was by saying “isn’t it worth it if it gets even just one more person to wear a mask?”)
@cleotopics My 73 year old mom who has been battling cancer for a decade has a message for you about ##covid19. ##wearafuckingmask
♬ original sound – cleotopics
Then I got my dad into it, he had some heartfelt things to say!
@cleotopics A message from my elderly dad who has thyroid issues to those of you still refusing to ##wearadamnmask. ##wearafuckingmask
♬ original sound – cleotopics
Did you know that NO demographic is actually safe from catching and dying of the coronavirus? Even little kids are dying from it, especially when they have a preexisting condition such as “pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome” (PMIS) . So I asked my four year old son to also ask everyone to #WearAFuckingMask:
(For the record, he is NOT allowed to swear, but I told him it was okay in this one instance to hopefully wake people up into saving lives by wearing masks)
@cleotopics A message from my son Link who turns four in four days, who you could kill from ##covid19 because you refuse to ##wearafuckingmask
♬ original sound – cleotopics
I also got my adorable just-turned-two year old Aeden to join the fun, though I’m not sure how much he understands yet about “sickness” and “stupid people keeping the pandemic going”:
@cleotopics Plz don’t kill my adorable toddler – ##wearafuckingmask ##wearadamnmask ##wearamask ##dontbeanasswearamask
♬ original sound – cleotopics
After taking a shower, I created my own contribution to the cause! I posted the uncensored version to Twitter-
Then tried to post a version very carefully edited so that there’s always a huge speech bubble blocking everything below my collarbone, but TikTok immediately it bc omg! she might have female nipples somewhere under there!
@cleotopics ##wearafuckingmask ##wearadamnmask ##freethenipple ##normalizenudity ##MagicMoment ##TikTokTaughtMe
♬ original sound – cleotopics
The same carefully edited version is also on the Topless Topics Instagram, but it may well have been taken down whenever you look at this page, because IG and FB have been on a warpath of deleting my content, no matter how insanely huge my censorship bubbles are (Youtube is just as misogynistic)
I even managed to convince my husband to take part, which is amazing, considering how difficult it is to get him to let me take pictures or video of him!
(amusingly TikTok banned this video as well, even though my husband’s chest is way too hairy to be mistaken for heinous female nipples, and I censored his nipples out anyway in #freethenipple solidarity)
UPDATE: I filed an appeal on the TikTok ban, and they restored my hairy-chested already-entirely-censored husband’s #wearafuckingmask post! Alas they kept my already-completely-censored #wearafuckingmask video banned on the grounds of being sexually explicit, just like allllll the other times every. single. social. media. platform. has banned me again, and again, and again…
@cleotopics My husband is here to tell you to ##wearafuckingmask ##TikTokTaughtMe ##MagicMoment
♬ original sound – cleotopics
And now, even my youngest Aeden is in on the project ^-^ (he may have no idea what “wear a fucking mask” means, but he can easily die of covid19 just like the rest of us)
He’s so cute I can’t stand it XD I really hope selfish asshole MAGAts don’t kill him by arrogantly flaunting their disease-ridden anti-mask asses.
But here’s where you come in!

If you’re sick of living in the midst of a deadly pandemic, with infection rates growing at exponential rates because our country is full of (and run by) morons who seem to think coronavirus will go away if we just stop acknowledging its existence, then spread the word to everyone to #WearAFuckingMask!
Record your own video, post it to TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, wherever, tell people to wear a mask, and add the tag to your description to #WearAFuckingMask!
(You don’t HAVE to swear, but I do think it causes more people to listen. Feel free to use other related hashtags as well, like #WearADamnMask , #WearAMask, #PleaseWearAMask, etc)
Then if you like, you can DM me on Twitter or Instagram, or email your link to me, and I can embed it here on this page!
Even if you don’t feel up to recording your own video, please like/share/retweet everyone else’s posts, so that as many people as possible see them.
Who knows? Maybe this will finally make a difference, and we can try our hardest to at LEAST reduce the pandemic enough for Trick or Treating at Halloween or family gatherings at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and/or New Years.
Cuz we certainly can’t rely on politicians alone to #FlattenTheCurve.
Please join me in spreading the word to #WearAFuckingMask <3
Community Posts
Here are some #WearaFuckingMask submissions by other Topless Topics community members! If you’d like to have your post added here, please email the link to it to and/or DM it to me on Twitter or Instagram! (@ToplessTopics on both)
Other “Wear a Mask” Posts
These posts aren’t specifically for the Topless Topics-inspired #WearaFuckingMask social media campaign, these are just related posts I found online that I thought would make a good addition!