Weekly Dose of Schaudenfreude: When Anti-Maskers Catch Covid-19

Weekly Dose of Schaudenfreude: When Anti-Maskers Catch Covid-19

Okay, you guys should know I make no pretense of not despising selfish assholes who insist on spitting in the face of science and protecting others around them by refusing to honor even the most basic protocols to help us all get through the coronavirus pandemic like wearing a mask. So I won’t deny that I get a burst of schaudenfreude, aka “the enjoyment of witnessing karma” when these same anti-maskers themselves get sick.

That’s why I particularly enjoy headlines like this one:

Of course, death is a harsh punishment, but how many other people did this tool get sick while he willfully spurned wearing a mask in the days before he realized he himself was sick–and sometimes even after, like this candidate for the Humanitarian Award:

I’m not actively wishing death on anyone–I’m not like the haters in my video comments who regularly send me rape and death threats for having the temerity to insist that women are people, even when we have our shirts off.

But it’s hard to summon much sympathy when people fall victim to their own dangerous conceit.

By the way, in case you need to hear it, here’s my advice on how you can #WearAFuckingMask :


More #wearamask submissions here! https://www.toplesstopics.org/wearamask/

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