YOUTUBE REPOST: (Sexuality Sundays) Topless Topics Sex and Consent

YOUTUBE REPOST: (Sexuality Sundays) Topless Topics Sex and Consent

(I’m including this as a “Sexuality Sunday” video even though it was filmed long before I started the segment, because I think it’s definitely appropriate!)


So as part of my process of separating from Youtube as much as possible, as well as reuploading my very first Topless Topics videos for those of you who maybe haven’t seen them yet, I’m going to be reuploading all my old videos not yet added to Vimeo and making them available bit by bit. I will also include the original posting dates and captions, and links to the original Youtube uploads, but keep in mind those links might break as Youtube continues to ban my videos (even the ones from before I stopped putting my hands in the way e.e)

Please also keep in mind that in the early days of Topless Topics, I used to put my hands in the way to try to avoid Youtube censorship, before I decided that it defeated the purpose of trying to normalize nonsexual female toplessness if I kept my hands in the way. So I stopped doing that, and sure enough Youtube started banning all my videos…thank goodness we have Vimeo, who no one uses but who at least allows nonsexual nudity (as long as you keep paying them for a subscription) !

Original Upload Date: Dec 8, 2014

Original Link:

Original Caption:

Given that Youtube hates females, I’ve quit Youtube and moved to Vimeo! Click here to see the full explanation (unless Youtube bans this video too):…

Topless Topics FAQ:…

Filmed amidst the chaos of a house party, so sorry if it’s hard to hear us or confusing! Huge thanks to Loki, Alex and Travis for taking part! Leave ’em a comment to show your appreciation so I can get them in future videos, eh?

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